Electricity Generation Source In Pakistan

Home » Electricity Generation Source In Pakistan

Major sources of electricity generation are

Thermal (both gas and oil)

Hydro power

Nuclear power

Renewable energy

Total existing installed power capacity as of March, 2017 was 29,944 MW (Pakistan Energy Yearbook 2017) in the form of thermal (68.4% of Pakistan’s Capacity), hydro (23.8%), renewable (4.1%) and nuclear power plants (3.6%). The available power at any given time is substantially below the installed capacity and reaches its trough during the winter when low water levels reduce the hydro power output.

Thermal generation capacity is distributed among WAPDA, IPPs and KESC. Hydro power is presently exclusively owned by WAPDA. There are a few small run of the river IPPs under development; however, these projects have not flourished owing to the long gestation period, which has discouraged private sector developers. Nuclear energy is exclusively controlled by PAEC.

Presently, the renewable energy sector consists primarily of wind projects, which are being developed exclusively within the private sector.

Furthermore, there are a very small number of captive power stations for industrial groups which are mostly thermal. A few are generating electricity from bagasse (residual waste in sugar mills) during the sugar cane crushing season.